Traveling is a kind of exercise which helps you to change your surrounding environment leading to interaction with new people, environment and place. A change is must for every human. In this rat race cosmopolitan world, where everyone is busy grinding their own axes, people get mentally upset and wearied out from work and public relations. Not only the working class, but even teenagers and youths get depressed over time due to prolonged monotony. People look for alternatives to escape a situation or get underground, which solves the problem for a time frame but does not cut the roots of the problem.
Travelling soothes the mind and body of the person, hence fighting depression. When a person travels, he/she fights the fear and buys out time to think over the situation which has been the reason of depression. As the person travels to new places, experiences adventure, participate in thrilling games and fun activities near a beach or trek in the mountains, the mind comes out from the stuck in situation and enables to think an out of box solution.
Travelling to far off places to fight depression isn’t required. You can even walk down to the nearest park to bring that solace to mind. Statistics prove the fact that traveling reduces depression, it is not known as “escaping” a situation, but it’s another way of fighting a problem, where you don’t think about it for a while and then confront it with a fresh approach.
But how does travelling helps to overcome depression?
Traveling gives us the opportunity for new associations. When we travel, we meet new people, interact with them, understand their life stories and then deduce from it. Traveling keeps us occupied and does not allow us to ruminate on the issues which are troubling us. If we are depressed and we stay home, we keep brooding over the same issues, making our situations even more miserable. While traveling, everything is new and different! We are in touch with new feelings, thoughts and emotions which gives us the right strength to fight depression.
Travelling makes you creative! It gives an out of box approach and a clearer imagination. With the open mindedness which we experience while being exposed to new place or culture, helps us to come up with alternatives. We are out of fear and hence are able to face depression with all together new approach. You made decisions during your travel which boast your confidence and self believe, making one capable to deal with daily challenges and issues.
Depression is nothing but a state of mind. A state where one over thinks over a situation to such an extent that there is no escape out of it… no thoughts, no motivation! Plan a travel in that depressed state and watch your mood getting lightened up as travelling boasts happiness. Exploring new places, trying out new adventure sports, rise up your adrenaline level making you excited and enthusiastic for things.
Regardless of what ever is the reason of your depression, travelling takes it all! Travelling exposes you to new environment and surrounding, which helps to pull oneself from the negativity? All you can see around yourself is beautiful places which make you feel mesmerized. Travelling aids in diverting your negative thoughts for positive ones. As you come in the arms of nature, be it the forest safari or mountain treks or a beach side walk or even a refreshing spa therapy at a luxurious resort, things becomes welcoming and embraces you where you feel connected and loved! Nature makes you appreciate things.
Astonishingly, travelling makes you unlock new reasons to live. You feel excited and eager to travel more, explore more and capture more, thus curbing depression. If you are feeling lost, wander till you discover yourself and find yourself a new beautiful place to live in. travelling motivates you, with new thoughts, ideas and creativity, making you love yourself and embracing whatever is coming next in life.
Travelling makes you learn leadership qualities, decision making skills, self-confidence, personality development and spirit to live. You learn facts about places, meet new people, collaborate in team and clinch new cultures. The exposure and discovery serves the traveler rights at the right time making one believe in oneself. On a travel trip, one tries new things, new cuisines, new place, and new activities. With a lot of newness in life, there is no room left for depression.
Travelling is indeed not a cure for depression. It makes a person strong enough to fight depression with a smile and with visuals of an amazing trip. Man is a social animal. As one interacts more, indulge in more physical activities, adventure sports and thrill games, life becomes enthusiastic.
Ask a trekker or a swimmer, what depression is? There are numerous adventure sports and activities like rope climbing, rappelling, trekking, rafting, which helps to pull out the frustration and negative emotions out from you and fill in thrills and adventures. Still feeling depressed? Let’s plan the itinerary for your next trip together.